Fall Tree Color

Fall is officially here. What happened to the Summer?

The turning of the leaves on the shade trees should get you motivated to add some trees that will give your landscape some beautiful color in the fall of the year.

I was out this sunny Sunday morning taking a few pictures of 2 types of Maples Arbor Hill Tree Farm grows & sells.
Pictured are the Fall Fiesta Sugar Maple & the Autumn Blaze Maple.

The Fall Fiesta has an orange fall color & the Autumn Blaze is red.

Both trees are considered a rounded shape tree. Both giving good shade. The color of the leaves is green in the summer.

The Autumn Blaze will grow faster than the Fall Fiesta. We are also selling a type of pyramidal Autumn Blaze called an Armstrong Maple. The Armstrong Maple will stay narrower at a mature size, but keeping the characteristics of an Autumn Blaze Maple.

Arbor Hill Tree Farm has various sizes of shade trees to select from.

Fall is also a great time to add evergreens for great color & beauty all winter.We have many evergreens to pick from. Customers can walk through our fields & hand pick from thousands.

Give us a call, e-mail us or Stop out & see us. Fall hours are Sat 8-5, Sunday 10-3 or days & evenings during week are by chance or appt.

Thanks, Jerry Knutson
Arbor Hill Tree Farm